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Hiba Academy Hangzhou summer enhancements

27 Aug 2021


To parents

We hope you and your family had a pleasant and restful summer break and the child/(ren) get excited to be back to school. Before the start of the new academic year of 2021/22, I would like to provide you with some updates about some initiatives, and services and facilities upgrades over the summer break.



We are extremely happy to announce that the building exclusively for Wellington College International Hangzhou is ready to welcome our students. The new state of art building is the very first one designed and decorated based on the Wellington College China Design Manual within the group. The team have been very busy in setting up the environment over the summer and we are now ready to welcome our pupils and families to the site. 

After the interior decoration was completed at the end of April, the landlord and school made appropriate ventilation arrangements and aired the building. Two rounds of internal air quality tests were carried out by SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. The first time was on 1 and 2 June, the second 5 and 6 August. All test results are in line with the national standards. The test reports can be provided based on requests.





The bus routes have now been finalized with the increase in the fleet, from 24 buses in 20/21 to 29 in 21/22. Our services team has updated the detailed bus schedules and stops in TMS system. As always, we strive to optimise the bus routes to provide the best bus service for all children.



Considering different dismissal time for Primary School and Senior High School from 21/22, the school buses will be divided into Primary School buses and Senior High School buses. There is no change in terms of the bus arrival time to school in the mornings. However, the departure time for primary bus will change to 3.50pm and Junior/Senior High 4.15pm. Due to the distance, 8 routes in the downtown area of Hangzhou won’t be able to be split into Primary and Junior/Senior High buses, and they will depart at 4.15pm from school.


If siblings from one family studying in different phases, the Primary School children can go home first or wait for siblings according to the available bus routes. Primary School pupils will be looked after by academic team whilst waiting.


Trial runs will be carried out on the morning of Sunday, 29 August 2021 according to the bus schedule for the route and we hope that you could take this opportunity to practise your morning routine. 




The College Canteen is located on two levels in the new building - one on the ground floor and one on the basement level. For the new academic year, the lunch menu will remain as set menu with 3 choices of Western, Chinese and sandwiches, with no mix and match between the different sets. The set from individual counter can be topped up multiple times. Pupils do not need to swipe their cards at mealtimes, Sodexo will deduct the cost of the meal based on their daily attendance records.


For pupils from Year 1 to 6, snacks will be delivered to classrooms before the morning break. Senior High School pupils can choose their own snack at the canteen during the morning break and swipe their cards to pay for it, with a maximum spending limit of RMB24 for the snack.



During the summer holiday, the school uniform supplier has upgraded the interior of the uniform shop and optimised the space. The school uniform shop is located on the ground floor of the main building of Hiba School and will resume normal operation from 1 September and the operation hours are from 8.00am to 4.30pm (lunch break: 11.00am - 11.20am). 


As we are still under the pandemic prevention and control period, parents are disallowed to come onsite after the new academic year starts. If you want to purchase uniforms, please call the school uniform shop on 8239 6397 or add the school uniform shop by 138 6745 4549 on WeChat to purchase school uniforms online. The online school uniform shop is open during term time as normal, please refer to the link below. Parents are welcome to come into school to purchase uniforms once the control measure has been lifted.




It is always in the best interest of our school to provide a secured learning environment and facility to our children. I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the security management of our campus:  

  • Remember to bring your ID card every time you wish to enter the school site. 
  • You will always need to wear your ID card on the yellow lanyard in a visible place and expect to be challenged if it is not visible. 
  • Only one person can enter the security gate with one ID card. Hence please do not share cards or tailgate as doing so may result in site access being denied.
  • Our security guards are under instructions to strictly follow the above and will not make any exceptions, even though they could recognise you. Please respect and support our security guards in this regard.
  • New students will get their new ID cards the orientation days.


Return to school


We will continue to implement some preventive measures based on the Education Bureau’s guidelines in the new academic year since the virus is still out there. Please find the following reminders: 

  • Children are still expected to present a green code or swipe their citizenship cards with temperature checks before entering school 

  • Social distancing rule maintained 

  • Any child who is not feeling well or showing symptoms of illness such as fever with body temperature at 37.3˚C or higher, cough or shortness of breath should not be attending school.  

  • Masks should be worn during the journey to and from the campus especially on public transportation and school bus. Whilst on campus, wearing a mask is optional and pupils are only expected to wear a mask if they are not feeling well.  

  • Carry out preventive hygiene practice such as frequently washing hands using the 7-step approach.  

  • Phasing entry and exit times for pupils entering and leaving the campus.  

  • Parents are not allowed to enter the campus.



Traffic around School


To maintain a smooth and efficient traffic system on the roads outside our campus, especially during the morning and afternoon pick hours, please follow the one-way system as indicated in the map below. We will also continue to implement the preventive measures based on the Education Bureau’s guidelines. Please pay attention to the below points: 


  • In peak time 7.00am – 9.00am and 3.00pm - 5.00pm, 3 roads around school ‘Jingchao Road’, ‘Xuezhi Road’ and ‘Jingze Road’ are defined as one-way road, please drive according to following map.
  • International school pupils please enter school via South door.