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Why engaging in summer reading is key to learning success

18 Jul 2022



Bronwen Duffield

Head Librarian


I’ll begin this article with a caveat: reading only during the summer holidays does not make up for the lack of reading during the rest of the year. The focus must be on continuing to read during the summer holidays.  


For pupils, the summer holidays offer more time to pursue personal interests. They also give pupils more time for reading. However, unless a pupil is an exceptionally keen reader, it is common for them to fall out of the reading habit if they are not regularly involved in school reading lessons. This is where the summer reading program helps. By encouraging a continued focus on reading during long school breaks, summer reading programs: 

  • Generate excitement about reading 
  • Allow pupils to explore new ideas, subjects and perspectives 
  • Provide enjoyment through reading 
  • Ensure that pupils continue to make progress in reading, which in turn supports their learning achievements across the curriculum  
  • Encourage continued exploration and comprehension of language 




For pupils who speak English in school but a different language at home, continuing to read in English during the summer – as well as listening to books, podcasts and other media in English – means that they will continue to interact with English. Without doing this, there is a risk that they will fall out of practice and find getting ‘back into English’ harder when the new term starts.  

To support our pupils with reading this summer, the Wellington College Hangzhou library runs a summer reading program for pupils. All pupils are given a record booklet and can check books out for the summer. This year, we are working on a points system, with achievement pins awarded to those who read enough to earn either a bronze, silver or gold award. Pupils with enough points who return their booklet to the library by 9 September 2022 will qualify for an award. They will also be entered into a prize draw for book vouchers and reading-themed prizes. 

I look forward to celebrating our readers’ efforts in September.  


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