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Physical Education | Specialist teaching at Hiba Nursery

06 Oct 2022

Yinuo Wang

Early Years PE Teacher




“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”

—Joseph Pilates


At Hiba Academy Hangzhou, children are developing in every way, and physical development plays a crucial part in our well-rounded education philosophy. Our physical education course is a well-devised and organised educational activity conducted in various forms by the children's developmental demands. The course helps build the children's physical strength and athletic ability, laying a solid foundation for a strong mind and body. Varied exercise can also help children with their endurance, strength, and flexibility. We have fostered an environment where healthy activities are normalised to help children establish a healthy lifestyle for years to come. We encourage physical health, as we do with opportunities for academic development.







Gross motor skills are an essential part of children’s early years motor skills. It includes crawling, walking, running and catching. Children’s gross-motor skills develop with the changes in size, proportions, and muscle strength. As they get older, their bodies become more streamlined and less top-heavy, and the centre of gravity shifts downward toward the trunk. As a result, improving body balance is closely connected with gross motor skills.


Typical stages of physical development in Early Years

By the age of two, children gaits become smooth and rhythmic, first by running and jumping and then, between 3 and 6 years, by hopping and skipping. Eventually, upper and lower body skills combine into more effective actions. Whereas 2- and 3-year-olds throw a ball rigidly, using only the arms, 4- and 5-year-olds use a smooth, flexible motion involving the shoulders, torso, trunk and legs that make the ball travel faster and further. In Hiba Nursery, we design our professional PE curriculum based on children’s physical development.




Sports curriculum at Hiba Academy Hangzhou

At Hiba Academy Hangzhou, our children have specialist PE lessons every week from EY1 to EY4. Participation in an age-related, progressive and challenging curriculum will continuously support children at Hiba to achieve physical development at key age milestones.  





Early Years 1


In Early Years 1, children walk more rhythmically, and a quick walk changes to running. The curriculum will focus on developing confidence to try new things, taking risks, and coordinating gross and fine motor skills.




Early Years 2


Early Years 2 PE sessions revolve around physical development and gymnastics. For example, children start to walk up and downsteps using their alternate feet and are aware of spaces, themselves, and others.




Early Years 3



The children in Early Years 3 run and steer more smoothly. In addition, small games with balls, bean bags and other equipment improve agility, balance, and coordination.




Early Years 4


   In Early Years 4, simple tactics and teamwork are related to the curriculum. Although children continue to develop spatial awareness, sending and receiving skills, this age group will be able to understand rules, select appropriate actions and link them in ways that suit the activities.