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Parent and teacher communication

01 Apr 2022

We want to ensure that our children have the highest outcomes across all areas of learning. A fundamental part of this partnership is for parents to understand important information about their child’s daily progress, what they can do, and what questions to ask to get the information they need to support learning at home.


At the nursery, we believe in developing the whole child. That includes their levels of wellbeing, their involvement in the daily learning opportunities, including literacy, mathematics and discovering new concepts. We want parents to be active participants in the children’s learning so we can give them the best start to their education possible. We want the children to explore, learn, and develop their knowledge at school and then have it extended at home. Giving children a rounded approach to education will help them make sense of their learning in different environmental contexts, linking home, school, teachers and families together.





You can ask specific questions to your child to allow them to explain things to you, such as:


Who did you sit with at lunch today?


Which areas of the classroom did you explore today?


What made you smile today? 


Which part of the day did you find the most challenging today?


These questions allow you to find out more information from your child and help them process their experiences and learn from the day.





Supporting your child's learning at home is essential, and it can be challenging to know what area they need the most support. It is infinitely more purposeful for parents to find out directly from teachers what gaps in knowledge their child has and what they can do to support their child. These are meaningful moments that should occur with your child, and then you can ask your child questions and have them respond. 



Monthly parent coffee morning
Monthly positive parenting



Simply asking, "how was my child today?" may not serve the best purpose. To allow you to find out more information and gain advice on how you can best support learning at home, here are some examples of questions to ask your child's teachers to find out a higher level of detail:


What special moments did my child have today?


What can I do with my child at home to continue to support their learning?


What questions can I ask my child at home to support their learning?


What English/Chinese words and phrases can I use at home to support their communication and language learning?


These questions allow you to find out more information from your child and help them process their experiences and learn from the day.


We welcome and look forward to having these meaningful conversations with you to further scaffold and support your child's learning.