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How assessment and data support child development

23 Sep 2021

At Hiba Academy Hangzhou we understand how vital it is for the educators working with our children to have accurate and reliable information to support them in making the most informed decisions when transforming academic content and knowledge into a successful learning journey. 



Our baseline assessment supports our understanding of each pupil's individual needs, the skills they bring to the learning environment and their internal 'will' to learn. It demonstrates a critical reference point for assessing and measuring changes and impact on a pupil's learning journey, as it establishes a basis for comparing attainment and achievement before, during and after learning takes place as we navigate through the Hiba curriculum. 


What do pupils bring with them to their new learning environment and what are they able to do? What skills do they already have and what can we build on? 


I am exploring with my pupils and I need to quickly measure their level of interest, engagement, and involvement. Is this meaningful for my pupils? What inspires them to learn?


Based on the data gathered – what learning can take place that is fit for purpose, meaningful and with the exact level of challenge to drive learning forward?


The Hiba baseline assessment allows us to see the whole child and understand the individual potential of each pupil... 

We administer baseline assessments within the first three weeks of school and once we have discovered a pupil's current developmental and learning stage, we are able to articulate what success will look like for him or her and how we can support them in reaching their goals whilst progressing through our curriculum. Accurate data will further assist to set appropriate, achievable, and ambitious targets for a whole class, groups of, and individual pupils.

Engaging families in the learning process of our pupils is incredibly important to their success. Adults that have a secure understanding of their child's learning needs, how he or she is progressing, are in a better position to support and work with the school to help them succeed. 



We are looking forward to working with you as we begin working on carving the pathway to success.